Five individuals were injured during a violent confrontation between two factions of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) over jhut trading at Windy Apparels Limited in Gazipur on Thursday. The altercation began around 10 a.m. and lasted for several hours in the Pagar Society field area of Tongi, as reported by local police.
Faridul Islam, officer-in-charge of the Tongi East Police Station, stated, “We dispatched police forces to the scene upon receiving reports of the clash. The situation is now under control, and no formal complaints have been lodged regarding the incident.”
Locals indicated that Asadur Rahman Kiran, the vice president of the Gazipur Metropolitan Awami League and a former acting mayor of the city, has been managing jhut trading at Windy Apparels since its establishment. Currently incarcerated due to involvement in multiple legal cases, Kiran’s absence has led local BNP leaders to vie for control over the jhut business, resulting in a conflict over the delivery of fabric scraps from the factory.
The clash involved supporters of BNP leader Hasan Uddin Sarkar and local Jubo Dal leader Nazmul Mondal, during which one gunshot was fired and three homemade bombs exploded, causing significant alarm in the vicinity. However, OC Faridul Islam mentioned that he had not received any reports of gunfire or explosions.
Kamrul Islam, administrative officer at Windy Apparels Limited, confirmed that Kiran previously oversaw business operations related to jhut trading. He noted that an agreement had recently been struck with BNP leader Hasan Uddin Sarkar for the collection of the factory’s waste materials but claimed to be unaware of the details surrounding the altercation outside.