Online fashion retailer Boohoo — Boohoo Group plc is a United Kingdom-based online fashion retailer, aimed at 16–30-years-old, which was founded in 2006 even as it specialises in own brand fashion clothing, with over 36,000 products — recently underlined its intention to sign a new agreement with its garment workers in Bangladesh — the new pact, called the International Accord for Health and Safety, replaces the Bangladesh Accord that was signed in the aftermath of infamous Rana Plaza incident in 2013— that makes brands and retailers liable for legal action in case their factories meet labour safety standards.
This was maintained in media reports, which added that this intended move by the fashion retailer comes a year after it, reportedly, accepted all recommendations of an independent review that, reportedly, found major failings in its supply chain in England.
Boohoo, as part of a drive to be more transparent, has also, reportedly, published a 1,100-strong list of its international suppliers as well.