In what may be termed as setback for Bangladesh, Argentina, at last, has imposed 56 per cent anti-dumping duty (ADD) on import of gloves from Bangladesh, along with few other countries, for 5 years, notification of which was issued on 2 February by the Productive Development Ministry of Argentina after, reportedly, concluding an investigation into the alleged dumping of gloves to Argentina in exports.
This was underlined in recent media reports, which mentioned that the Argentine embassy in the USA informed the Bangladesh embassy in the US of the decision on 11 February even as it claimed that in November 2019, Argentina initially imposed a 56 per cent ADD on import of gloves from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, China and India, while in the latest circular, the Productive Development Ministry has finally imposed the duty on finding evidence of dumping and injury to the local industry due to the dumping, and went on to maintain that as per the notice issued, 42 per cent ADD on the freight on board value will be applicable on exports from Bangladesh, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and China while the ADD rate will be 35.06 per cent in case of India.
The report further claimed that the Commerce Ministry has acknowledged been informed of the developments by the Bangladesh embassy at Washington, but was yet to see the details even as they, reportedly, claimed that neither the Government nor local exporters — exporter associations, including the Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA) and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) allegedly did not even respond to queries made by the Bangladesh Trade and Tariff Commission on the issue — contested the investigation process undertaken by Argentina.